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by Nortal

System agnosticism assures best results

Data being the new oil, companies that want to have successful sales cycles must adapt to new ways of doing business and monitoring their revenue process. Being a system agnostic partner, we can help successfully create a seamless process that generates and measures revenue.

With data growing at a 40% compound annual rate, it has become one of the most valuable resources in the world. According to The Economist, data is the new oil. In the US alone, Data-driven marketing economy is worth more than 200 billion dollars a year, giving work to more than a million people. Data business linked to marketing activities grew 35% between 2012 and 2014, according to Direct Marketing Association.

“The customer buying journey has changed for ever. Both people and companies are expecting to conduct most of their buying journey online,” said Juri Dushko, Nortal’s Head of Customer Relationship Management and Sales Automation, who recently participated at a Salesforce event in Stockholm to get new ideas and promote our offering. “Quite often sales people don’t even know there’s a buying journey in action,” he added.

So, a customer journey strategy should be set in place. According to Salesforce, in retail, 74% of marketers who have adopted a customer journey strategy agree that it has positively impacted overall customer engagement. For companies to have a full overview of their buying process, they have to understand that marketing and sales should be integrated instead of in two different, isolated silos.

“In a traditional organization, 80% of leads disappear between marketing and sales,” Dushko said, explaining that our Revenue Science team can help companies understand where the leaks are and how to fix them. “Best-in-class companies are in the midst of adapting to this brave new world by transforming their marketing and sales functions, but most companies are only now just beginning to grasp the change needed.”

In a traditional organization, 80% of leads disappear between marketing and sales.

To ensure our clients get the solution best suited to them, we cooperate with different client content management systems (CMS), customer relationship management platforms (CRM) and marketing automation tools.

“We are system and platform agnostic, meaning we always analyze what the client needs, look at their in-house ecosystem and consider what suits their needs best,” Dushko said. “We believe it’s important to understand first what kind of pain the client has, and their end goal and business model. This allows us to offer the best solutions so clients can reach their strategic goals.”

This means we can offer Microsoft Dynamics and Salesforce, with both easily integrated with the marketing automation tools we support: Pardot, Marketo, Act-On or HubSpot.

“It’s impossible to say which car is better, a Lamborghini or a Volvo truck, if you don’t know what the car is used for,” Dushko said. “If you need to transport rubble, Lamborghini is probably not the right choice, even if it does look sexier.”

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