
  • Cyber Resilience
  • Data and AI
  • Strategy and Transformation


  • Healthcare

Case study

Healthcare cybersecurity assessment and roadmap

In this case study, we explore how Nortal’s comprehensive cyber assessment and strategic roadmap provided a tailored solution for a leading healthcare organization, addressing unique security challenges and compliance requirements to fortify its digital and physical defenses in an increasingly complex cyber landscape.

Background and challenges

A southern-based healthcare provider faced significant challenges due to a large volume of scattered and siloed vulnerability and risk information. Multiple individual vulnerability identification and prevention tracks were in progress, but there was no clear overview of the all existing gaps, neither unified tactical and strategic plans for action present. This current state in the context of recent wide-impact attacks on healthcare providers posed a significant concern within the client.

Nortal was requested to conduct an objective current-state assessment to develop a prioritized roadmap for the organization’s cybersecurity strategy and actions to follow.



To address the challenges that this organization faced, Nortal employed the following strategies:

  1. Analysis of existing information: Nortal analyzed the existing vulnerability and risk information already in possession by the healthcare provider.
  2. External OSINT reconnaissance: Conducted external Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) reconnaissance to gain a broader perspective on potential threats. Activities included identification of existing vulnerabilities within publicly available assets, research for leaked information available in the dark web as well as mapping of most active threat actor groups and common vectors of attack within the health domain.
  3. Risk landscape definition: Defined the overall risk landscape for the company, considering various internal and external factors.
  4. Business context and value mapping: Mapped the business context and value to vulnerable assets to establish a clear foundation for prioritizing efforts and estimating the required resources.
  5. Mapping existing initiatives: Mapped current enhancement initiatives to vulnerabilities and priority areas to ensure alignment with the new strategy.


  1. Identification and prioritization of vulnerabilities and gaps: The most significant vulnerabilities, gaps and vulnerability clusters were identified and prioritized, focusing on those posing the highest risk.
  2. Actionable recommendations: Specific recommendations for actions were defined and prioritized based on estimated risk impact and time to value and were categorized into urgent actions, tactical actions, strategic actions.
  3. Strategic roadmaps: The strategic roadmaps for implementation were created that included existing enhancement initiatives and additionally recommended actions addressing all high and medium risk vulnerabilities and well as increasing overall organizational cybersecurity posture and resilience.
  4. Incident response preparation: Incident response scenarios were prepared for tabletop exercises, emphasizing the identified gaps and the overall risk landscape. This preparation was aimed at enhancing the organization’s readiness to respond to potential cyber incidents.


Through a structured and comprehensive approach, Nortal helped the healthcare provider achieve a clearer understanding of their current cybersecurity state. The prioritized roadmap and strategic recommendations provided a solid foundation for mitigating immediate and short term risks and enhancing the organization’s overall cyber resilience. This demonstrates the importance of a unified view and strategic alignment in effectively managing cybersecurity in large, complex organizations.

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