by Nortal
Data is the New Gold: Insights on Effective Data Usage
Data is the new gold, and companies that effectively collect and use it will thrive – says Nortal’s Ergin Tuganay in his thought-provoking opinion piece.
In a thought-provoking opinion piece in Talouselämä magazine, Nortal’s Ergin Tuganay explains why the ability to effectively collect and use data is what sets companies apart. According to Tuganay, frontrunners are already using real-time data for seamless process integration, while laggards are only just considering improving their production processes.
Tuganay stresses the importance of democratizing data to bring data capabilities to every level of an organization. With self-service analytics and quality data modeling, even production workers can perform data analysis. This is why data should be seen as one of a company’s core products, alongside physical products.
Get ready to revolutionize the way you collect and use data! Don’t miss out on this inspiring and insightful piece – read the full article in Talouselämä now!
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