Woman with a phone and umbrella standing on a street

Formula for creating trust in digital government

This white paper explores practical and tech-driven strategies to help governments rebuild trust and improve service delivery.

Trust is the foundation of democracies

Trust is the backbone of democracy, giving governments the legitimacy they need to function effectively. Yet, as trust declines, public institutions face challenges in delivering progress on technological adoption and social development.

Older woman using laptop at home

Trust and effectiveness

Research shows that high trust leads to policy effectiveness. The specific mechanism is voluntary compliance, which is especially valuable for government functions that would otherwise resort to enforcement by intrusion.

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Trust as both enabler and dependency

The paradox of digital transformation – trust is needed to invest public capital in digital transformation, and at the same time, digital transformation will result in trust.

It is both an outcome of the process and a necessary precondition for it. But such a virtuous cycle, where the initial trust level enables a digital service uptake and the usage of the same services starts to increase, trust can only be kickstarted when the initial trust level is there.


From a certain level of digital maturity onward – like moving from traditional e-government to personal government – trust becomes a core enabler of governance as citizen willingness to share their data is a technical necessity of the system.

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abstract lines flowing

Formula for creating trust in digital government

Extensive research across multiple domains, from interpersonal relationships to government, has revealed a consistent formula for trust, defined by reliability, fairness, and transparency, with execution playing a key role. This white paper explores these concepts and offers practical, tech-driven strategies for governments to rebuild trust and improve service delivery.

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Discover how to build trust for better policymaking, technology, and service delivery across all levels of government.

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Personal Government: Digital's next step

Over two decades government systems have moved from analog to digital. We now stand on the brink of the post-digital era, where public services will be citizen-centric, personalized, equitable, and fully sustainable.

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