All Good in Everywhere!

BR, Rauno

With the right mindset, you can embrace the Nortal nomad life and experience the world while remaining fully committed to your work. Rauno is the living embodiment of this work-travel fusion by skillfully balancing professional duties with his wanderlust, showing that the traditional nine-to-five doesn't confine you.

2023 was all about blending work and adventure seamlessly. It all started back in February, with Estonian Independence Day bringing a shorter workweek and, therefore, providing a perfect opportunity to explore the world.

Bags packed, I started my travels by working two days in Vienna, followed by two productive days and a long weekend in the charming city of Bratislava. But that was just the start of many exciting adventures! The idea of exploring new places while working was too tempting to resist, setting the stage for six more thrilling destinations.

In April, I embarked on a three-week journey that took me through Slovenia, Serbia, and Albania, immersing myself in the local culture and scenery. Working while travelling added a dynamic layer to my adventures, turning each destination into a unique workspace. Whether it was setting up my laptop in a cozy corner of a café, responding to emails on a trolley bus, or finding inspiration amidst the coastal breeze while working along Saranda’s promenade. I soaked in the stunning sights of all places I worked from, savoring every moment while being grateful for the opportunity to experience all this. 

Returning home is always nice, but planning the trips makes the blood flow faster!

Refreshing the mind with a change of scenery

August led me to a quick getaway to Oslo with an amazing floating sauna experience. September saw me working for a couple of days from Barcelona, adding a touch of Spanish flair to my remote work experience. In October, I rented a bike and wandered through the vibrant city of Copenhagen, enjoying a long weekend that included three working days in the mix.  

It is gratifying that remote work has become a standard in Nortal. I no longer have to look forward to a vacation to refresh my head with a change of scenery. A change of environment always has a positive effect on me. While returning home is comforting, planning new trips gets my blood pumping! Will I continue to use the Nortal nomad opportunity? You bet!  

When I reflect on my Nortal nomad adventures, two things stand out for me: 

  • Working from another country makes you work more efficiently because right after the end of the working day you want to go and discover new places, instead of working until late in the evening.  
  • The one-hour time difference is a perfect fit for my schedule. If it’s 5 p.m. in Estonia, it’s only 4 p.m. in my remote working locations, leaving me plenty of time to explore the city, even on a weekday evening. 
Rauno Ellermaa

Rauno Ellermaa

Delivery Director, UK

Rauno Ellermaa has over ten years of experience in leading high-performing international teams in the field of finance and IT, on-site and remotely. As a goal-oriented problem solver, his teams unravel complex challenges with significant impact to business and society.

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