Unser Führungsteam besitzt jahrzehntelange Erfahrung in Behörden, Industrie, Gesundheitswesen und anderen Bereichen, um Werte zu schaffen und eine bessere Zukunft zu gestalten.
Priit Alamäe
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Priit Alamäe founded Nortal in 2000 as a 22-year-old visionary. Today the company is a multi-national strategic change and technology company dedicated to bringing about eTransformations in private companies, government agencies and entire societies across Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the USA. Under Alamäe’s leadership, Nortal has been the largest contributor to building up the globally recognized eGovernment of Estonia. He is a frequent speaker and writer on eGovernance reforms. To schedule an interview with Alamäe, get in touch with us via email.
Andre Krull
Chief Operating Officer
Andre Krull, a member of the Management Board at Nortal, has been with the company since its early days in the beginning of 2000s. As a business unit manager and COO formerly, he has played an integral role in shaping Nortal into a multinational strategic change and technology company operating in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the U.S. To schedule an interview with him, get in touch with us via email.
Ats Albre
Ats Albre leads Nortal’s Estonian business, awarded with the Most Competitive Large-Scale Company in 2022 and the Company of the Year title in 2020. He has more than a decade of experience in implementing state-of-the-art eGovernment and eHealth solutions and helping develop technology driven visions.